Friday 4 October 2013

Kagerou Project: Summertime Collage

Image arranged by Hiyo (
Collage's main page can be found here!
Recently (about a week ago), I participated in another collage! I decided to actually put in some effort this time round (since the previous one was rather...horrible) and did the drawing earlier so I'd have time to check for mistakes and play with colours, because my colour sense isn't exactly the best. My submission is on the third row, tenth from the left! This time, no colour schemes were suggested, but many people seemed to use blue as their background, so the overall image appears really calm and bright.

Apparently Hiyo is going to add the pictures of those who couldn't make it in time into the collage later. I'm really looking forward to it, since everyone's art is so good! Other than that, their art put together in the collage also showcases the lives of the cast, both happy and sad.

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